Study Visit to Brussels

October 25. - 29. 2010
Center for European Policy Studies - Brussels

From October 25 to 29 the EXACT Fellows have undertaken a study visit to Brussels.

The study trip was composed of three elements. First, the fellows had the opportunity to get to know the staff and premises of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). Second, EXACT Visiting Scientist Dr. Elfriede Regelsberger held a two-day seminar on "professional approaches to Foreign and Security Policy". Third, EXACT Visiting Scientist Dr. Anne Faber held a two-day seminar on "methodological approaches to research".

The Fellows also met with officials, such as an official from the Policy Unit of the Council of the European Union; three Ambassadors to the Political and Security Committee (PSC); and an official, working in the Council of the European Union.

A full report on the study visit can be found below.


Study Visit Report


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©  EXACT - Marie Curie ITN on EU External Action
Technische(r) Ansprechpartner(in):
Aline Bartenstein
Wulf Reiners
geändert: 28. January 2011
erstellt:  5. November 2010